Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Sprint to chase the road so hard,
Sprint to walk a mile so far..
Sprint to elope in to the rim,
Sprint to rise from within....
Sprint to crawl in the race,
Sprint to stand safe...
Sprint to make the ends meet,
Sprint to melt the hearts need...
Sprint to be known to the world,
Sprint to gain the worlds worth...
Sprint to wake up with contended sight,
Sprint to end the sleepless night...
Sprint to fetch the meal for the day,
Sprint to add luxuries to the plate...
Sprint to cover the destiny's fate,
Sprint to fight back the laid...
Sprint to be in the sprint,
And to live with a grin..

A sprint,
We all are running within,
In different sphere's of life's realm.


P.S:And each one of us is running to struggle less,or struggling to run ahead.Let's not leave behind our self in this race.


  1. This is such a beautiful poem with a positive message. You will only get better at poetry with time.

    I came here looking for your A to Z Challenge posts, and honestly was disappointed to find out that there weren't any.

    Here's hoping you start soon.

    Do drop by mine. Would love your feedback on my A to Z posts.



    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words.
      Will get in to it soon . :)
      Keep visiting..


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